There’s no better time to join the American Rabbit Breeders Association!

As an ARBA member you will receive:
Domestic Rabbits Magazine
Every member receives a full year of digital access to Domestic Rabbits magazine. This professional quality, full-color periodical is published bi-monthly. Each full-color issue features ARBA officer and committee reports, national specialty club reports, regular features and special articles on rabbit and cavy breeds, judging, care and management info, ads from top breeders, show info, and more. Plus members will receive a hard copy the magazine through the mail as well as digitally.
Official Guide Book: Raising Better Rabbits & Cavies
This book, FREE DIGITALLY to all ARBA members, is chock full of valuable information covering: breed selection, recommended management practices including feeding, housing, health care, breeding, and showing – everything you need to know to get the right start in rabbits and/or cavies. This is an indispensable reference manual which will help to ensure your success as a rabbit or cavy owner or breeder. Hard copies of this publication are also available for purchase in the ARBA Store.
Information on registering rabbits and/or cavies…
Only ARBA members can register individual rabbits or cavies. The ARBA Registration System is arguably the single best livestock or petstock registration system in the world.
Information on obtaining Grand Champion Certification…
Rabbit and cavy show enthusiasts who are members of the ARBA can submit qualifying animals for recognition of grand champion status.
The above are just highlights of what each individual will receive and/or is entitled to by becoming a member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. Following are the various membership types available:
Single Adult – Adult members (19 years of age and over) may obtain all the rights and privileges above by paying a fee of $20.00/year. 3-year memberships are also available for the fee of $50.00 – a savings of $10.00.
Two Adult Combination – Two adults living at the same address may join at the combined rate of $30.00/year or $75.00 for 3 years (providing a savings of $15 over the yearly membership fee for single adults).

Youth – Youth memberships (available to youth under and through 18 years of age) by paying an annual fee of $12/year or $30 for 3 years (a savings of $6.00) will be entitled to all the rights and privileges of adult members, with the exception that ARBA youth memberships are non-voting). Youth members are also eligible to participate in the annual Royalty Competitions, judging contests, and educational and artistic competitions all of which are held each year at the ARBA National Convention. Additionally, ARBA youth members who have been members for 3 or more years are eligible to apply for educational scholarships in their graduating high school year.
Family – Family memberships are available to a single Adult or Husband and Wife or two adults living at the same address who have children or have custodial rights to youth age 18 and under who all reside at the same physical address. Family memberships are $30.00 for the parents or custodial adults and an additional $5.00 for each child. 3-year family memberships are $75.00 plus an additional $10.00 for each qualifying child. Single parents may also qualify for family membership status by paying $20.00 plus $5.00 per year for each child, or $50.00 plus $10.00 per child for a 3-year membership.
Get started on the road to a successful and fun-filled rabbit or cavy hobby by joining the ARBA today! You can join immediately by paying online or simply download a membership application and mail with payment to:
PO Box 400
Knox, PA 16232
(Note: All International memberships require an additional $10.00/year handling fee. International memberships other than Canada and Mexico must also pay an additional $40.00 per year for Domestic Rabbits magazine.)