Constitution of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
The objects of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc., are to unify, foster, promote, improve, and enhance through its membership, high standards of perfection, efficiency and cooperation between all phases of the rabbitry industry; to do all such lawful acts and things necessary to further the best of interests of the rabbit industry, and to formulate, determine and coordinate policies of mutual and national import and concern for such industry. The prime purpose, throughout, is to present a unified industry to promote the interests of the rabbit industry in all of its phases, and to advance other matters in which national coordination is deemed advisable by the Board of Directors of the Association.
Section 1. This Association shall be known and designated by the name set forth in the articles of incorporation, to-wit: The American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Section 1. To promote, encourage and develop the rabbit and cavy industry and fancy, in accordance with the purposes and aims outlined in the articles of incorporation to the mutual benefit of all concerned.
Section 2. To conduct and maintain a registration and recording system for rabbits and cavies, and maintain a registry of Grand Champion rabbits and cavies.
Section 3. To afford memberships to persons interested in breeding and marketing rabbits, cavies and the products thereof.
Section 4. To promote and conduct public and private exhibitions of rabbits and cavies, to provide judging systems therefore, to license its official judges and registrars, and to make, revise and maintain official standards of perfection for rabbits and cavies.
Section 5. To organize, and assist in the organization of, local and state associations and specialty breeder’s clubs for the purposes herein set out, and to include such associations and clubs as affiliated members.
Section 6. To maintain information bureaus for the betterment of the rabbit and cavy industry, to furnish, at minimum cost, bulletins, standards, posters, booklets, placards, supplies, textbooks and other materials to its members.
Section 7. To investigate markets for products of rabbits and cavies and to assist in marketing said products without profit to this Association; to assist in securing legislation and publicity beneficial to the rabbit and cavy industry.
Section 8. To hold annual conventions for its members and meetings of its members and Board of Directors, inside and outside the State of Illinois, for corporate purposes.
Section 1. Any person, club or association may become a member of this Association upon the payment of dues as provided in the By-Laws, and by agreeing to comply with all rules, regulations and mandates of the Association.
Section 2. The Board of Directors may elect as an Honorary Member any person distinguished for his political, scientific, industrial or administrative capacity. Honorary members shall be exempt from all dues, fees or subscriptions, but shall have no right to vote at any meeting of the Association unless also a regular paid member of the Association in good standing.
Section 3. All members shall be entitled to all information available to the industry which is in possession of the Association, and to register rabbits and cavies for the fee provided in the By-Laws.
Section 4. All individual members, except youth members, shall have the right to vote in person at annual or special meetings of the Association. Affiliated organizations which are members of this Association shall have the right to vote at annual or special meetings as provided by the By-laws. Individual members may not vote by proxy. All individual members, except youth members, shall also have the right to vote by mail or electronically for elections of officers or upon any other matters submitted by the Board of Directors. No member under the age of nineteen (19) years shall be eligible to sign petitions for elective offices, amendments, or resolutions to the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. Constitution and By-laws.
Section 5. Any member of this Association who organizes or holds office in a national rabbit and/or cavy association which has a constitution or by-laws, or a registration system contrary to those of this Association shall be made subject to disciplinary actions of the Board of Directors.
Section 6. The Board of Directors reserves the right to accept or reject, for cause, any application for membership or renewal.
Section 1. This Association shall have the authority to make such laws, establish such rules and adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the governing of its members.
Section 2. To require members to obey its mandates in all matters pertaining to the Standard of Perfection and ethics peculiar to the industry, and to inflict such punitive or monetary penalties as it may deem necessary for the disobedience of its will, provided that its members shall not be required to commit any act which would make them amenable to the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof.
In addition, action taken by the ARBA Board will be in accordance with ARBA Show Rule 70:
Section 3. The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be considered as the final authority for this Association on all questions not specifically covered by the Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 1. This Association shall hold annual meetings at such time and place as may be designated by the By-Laws.
Section 1. The elective officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice President, and a Board of Directors, consisting of nine (9) members, one from each of the nine (9) districts. The President, Vice President, Executive Director and Treasurer shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Directors. The President and Vice President shall be elected for a two (2) year term by and from the membership. The District Directors shall be elected for a two (2) year term by and from the membership in his district. In the election of the District Directors, five (5) shall be elected on even numbered years and four (4) shall be elected on odd numbered years. Each year the same number shall be elected as those whose terms shall expire. Any elected officer can only serve three consecutive terms in the same office. When an officer is appointed by the President to fill a vacancy, if the officer serves for more than half the term in office, this shall qualify as a full term in office.
Section 2. The elective officers of the Association shall enter upon the discharge of their duties effective the 15th day of September following their election, and shall serve for the period for which they were elected, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Their installation shall take place at the first session of the Annual Business Meeting of the Association following their election.
Section 3. The Executive Director and Treasurer shall be appointed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors, to serve a minimum term of three years; either or both may be reappointed by the Board of Directors, who may also remove by a two-thirds majority either or both from office, for cause, during any term of office.
Section 4. Any adult member of this Association, in good standing, wishing to become a candidate for any elective office of this Association shall write to the Executive Director for a nominating petition which the Executive Director shall supply. The nominating petition shall be completed by a member and show the member’s name and the office for which the member desires to be a candidate, be signed by him or her, and shall, in addition be signed by twenty-five members of this association in good standing.
If the office for which the member is a candidate is that of director, the members signing the nominating petition must reside in the same district as the candidate and the district from which and for which such director is to be elected. The petition shall be filed, after completion, with the Executive Director of the association prior to the 1st day of April. The Executive Director shall place the name of the member appearing on the petition, and the office for which he or she is a candidate, on the election ballot.
Candidates for director shall be grouped by districts and association members permitted to vote only for candidates within their own district. Election ballots shall be mailed on 15th day of July each year to each adult member of the association in good standing on that date. A candidate for district director shall be voted on only by members residing in his district. Each ballot shall have complete instructions for the guidance of the voter. No ballot shall be counted that has been changed, tampered with or improperly voted. The ballots must be postmarked on or before the 25th day of August to be counted.
An envelope addressed to the Chairman of the Election Committee, by name and address, shall accompany each ballot. Each member voting shall mark his ballot, place in the envelope mailed with the ballot, seal the same, and mail direct to the Chairman of the Election Committee. The Election Committee shall count all ballots, received prior to closing of the polls and shall send a certified copy of the results to the Executive Director and the President. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared duly elected.
After the ballots are counted, they shall be placed in a sealed envelope and forwarded to the Executive Director, to be retained by the Executive Director for one year, to be opened only in the event that there is a demand for a recount.
(a) Should any candidate for an elected office be unopposed, there shall be no election ballot issued for that particular position and the unopposed candidate shall be declared elected to said office by acclamation.
Section 5. Any candidate defeated for any office of the association requesting a recount of ballots, shall make application for such recount to the Executive Director within sixty days following the election. The Executive Director shall require a deposit of sufficient funds to defray the cost of a recount, the amount of such deposit to be fixed and approved by the Board of Directors. A recount shall then be made by a committee of three; the contester shall pick one member, the Board of Directors a second member, and a third member shall be chosen by the other two members of this committee; all three members of the committee shall be members of the Association in good standing. The committee shall assemble and personally count all ballots cast for the office in dispute, and the report of the committee on the recount, certified to the Board of Directors, shall be final. In the event that the contester is declared elected by the committee, his or her deposit of funds shall be returned.
Section 6. Whenever a vacancy in office occurs, from any cause whatever, said vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the President, approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 7. No member of the election committee can be nominated for office.
Section 8. The division of districts shall be:
District No. 1. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, Northern Asian, and Western Canada
District No. 2. California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Hawaii, Southern Asia, and Australia
District No. 3. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin
District No. 4. Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mexico, and Central America
District No. 5. Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois
District No. 6. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South America, and Puerto
District No. 7. New York, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island,
Europe, and Eastern Canada
District No. 8. Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Central Canada
District No. 9. Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina,
South Carolina, D.C. and Africa.
The Dominion of Canada will be divided as follows: Provinces of Saskatchewan and to the West in District No. 1; Manitoba and Ontario in District No. 8; Quebec and East Provinces in District No. 7.
Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of this Association, and act as chairman of the Board of Directors, with full power and prerogatives, appoint all committees, call special meetings of the Association or of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws, and perform other duties as usually pertain to his office. He/she shall have such other powers as may be conferred upon him by the Board of Directors at any meeting of such Board. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and of all committees.
Section 2. The duties of the Vice-President shall be the same as those of the President, in the event of the absence or disability of the President. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The Executive Director shall devote sufficient time and attention to the duties of his/her office, and to such other duties as the President and Board of Directors shall direct, as shall be required to carry out such duties. He/she shall collect and keep account of all monies due the Association, which monies shall be in United States funds, pay such accounts as are named herein, and make reports to the Board of Directors.
He/she shall pay the following bills, and other bills, as authorized by the Board of Directors: All office employees’ salaries, incoming freight and express charges, postage, utilities, state and federal taxes.
He/she shall make reports to the Treasurer by the 10th of each month of all transactions during the preceding month, and shall turn over to the Treasurer all monies of the Association as shown by such report. He/she shall be the custodian of all property of the Association and keep the same insured in the Association’s name in a company and in an amount approved by the Board of Directors. He/she shall be bonded in favor of the Association for a sum to be set by the Board of Directors, said sum to be not less than $50,000.00, in a company approved by the Board of Directors, said bond to be delivered to the Treasurer of the Association. Failure to furnish satisfactory bond within thirty days following appointment shall automatically disqualify the Executive Director from office. The cost of the Executive Director’s bond is to be paid by the Association.
The Executive Director shall receive and act upon all applications for membership, applications for judge and registrar licenses; he/she shall notify members of all meetings, either by publication or individual notices; he/she shall notify all members thirty days prior to the expiration of the membership; he/she shall keep an accurate record of all meetings; he/she shall act promptly on all correspondence directed to his office; and he/she shall consult the Board of Directors on such matters of policy as he deems advisable.
The Executive Director shall keep a complete and up-to-date membership list, including current addresses, and shall make a quarterly report as to the number of members to the Board of Directors.
The Executive Director shall keep a proper record of all registrations, prepare all certificates of registration and mail promptly. He/she shall order all necessary forms and printed matter for the conduct of his office, with the approval of the Board of Directors. He/she shall maintain a set of books, in a manner acceptable to the Board of Directors, and shall submit quarterly financial reports to the Board of Directors and an annual report to the membership at each annual meeting of the Association for the fiscal year ending the 30th day of June. This annual report must be accompanied by a Certified Public Accountant’s report, and a statement showing the current number of registrations, members, judges, registrars, clubs and associations and other pertinent information reflecting gain or loss as compared to the previous year’s records.
He/she shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors, and act as Secretary thereof.
The Executive Director shall, within sixty days following each annual or special meeting of the Association, inform the editor of the ARBA Bulletin of all changes in the regulations of the Association, and shall mail a printed list of such changes to each judge, registrar and chartered club or association of this Association.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall accept and keep a record of all monies turned over to him by the Executive Director at the end of each month, and of other income derived from any source. He/she shall pay outstanding accounts, other than those herein authorized in writing by the President or Executive Director; he/she shall also pay itemized bills presented by the Chairman of a Committee when such bills are within an authorized budget. Any committee bill in excess of its authorized budget must be approved by the President and Executive Director of the Association. The Board of Directors may order the Treasurer to pay any allowance that is approved. He/she shall be bonded in favor of the Association in an amount to be set by the Board of Directors, said amount to be not less than $50,000.00, and in a company approved by the Board of Directors. The cost of the Treasurers’ bond is to be paid by the Association.
Failure to furnish satisfactory bond within thirty (30) days following appointment will automatically disqualify the Treasurer from office.
The Treasurer shall make quarterly financial reports to the Board of Directors and an annual report, for each fiscal year ending the 30th day of June, at the annual meeting of the Association. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Budget Committee.
Section 5. The Board of Directors shall have charge of the various business transactions, and authorize the expenditure of monies by and for the Association and pass on any and all special legislative matters found desirable. It shall have the power to make contracts in the name of the Association as necessary in the promotion of the work by any or all departments, or as may hereafter be provided, require that the books of the Executive Director and Treasurer be audited at the end of each fiscal year and upon their retirement from the office, such audit to be performed by a competent Certified Public Accountant who shall be selected by the Board of Directors. The expense of such audit is to be paid from the general funds of the Association.
The Board of Directors shall have full authority to revise or adjust the Executive Director’s salary, Judge’s and Registrar’s license fees, membership dues or any other item from which the Association derives income, depending upon economic conditions at the time of adjustment or revision.
Each District Director shall appoint one to three State or Provincial Representatives from each state within his district. These appointments are to be made by the 1st day of January following election. If such appointments are not made by this time the President shall make the appointments. The State or Provincial representative shall look after the affairs of the Association in their respective State or Province and shall send a report of rabbit conditions therein to the District Director and Executive Director prior to each annual meeting.
Seven members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
The Board of Directors may, between annual Convention Board meetings, conduct routine or special business, hold hearings and reach decisions by mail vote, with a majority vote required for passage.
Salaries of Officers
Section 1. The Executive Director shall receive an annual salary of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000). An additional allowance for secretarial and office expense shall be given each year, in an amount to be determined annually by the Board of Directors; such allowance shall be given to the Board of Directors at its annual meeting. All requests for allowance must be made to the Budget committee.
A commission of ten per cent (10%), in addition to salary, will be paid to the Executive Director, as a bonus, on all sums in excess of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) collected through the Executive Director’s office during each fiscal year, except that this sum is not to include any collections for rent, voluntary contributions, refund, withholding taxes or fees received for show sanctions.
Section 2. The expenses of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Executive Director and each Director, incurred in attending an annual meeting of the Association, may be paid by the Association. Each Officer and Director attending an annual meeting, special meeting or meeting of the Board of Directors shall be allowed one round trip air coach fare when available from the nearest airport, and the cost of hotel room for the duration of any such meeting. Such allowances are not to be paid until approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Any alteration of, or amendment to, the Constitution to be offered at any annual or special meeting of this Association shall be made by Resolution, in writing, signed by one hundred (100) or more members of this Association in good standing. The Resolution must be received by the ARBA Executive Director not later than 1 May, so that the signatures can be verified. Once verified by the ARBA Executive Director, a copy of the resolution must be forwarded to the ARBA Resolutions Committee no later than the 10th day May of the year, if it is to be presented at the annual meeting. All resolutions are to be confined to one subject. All resolutions shall be published in the ARBA Bulletin at least forty-five (45) days in advance of the annual or special meeting at which they are to be considered, in order that members may have the opportunity to form an intelligent opinion on their merits.
The Constitution may then be amended by an affirmative two-thirds vote of all members casting votes at a regular or special meeting of the Association for a Resolution, provided that the notice of the purpose of any special meeting has been stated in the call for such special meeting.
Section 2. Any proposed change in, or amendment to, the Constitution may be submitted to the members of the Association at any time by mail ballot, to be voted upon, and the ballots counted, in the same manner as is provided for balloting for the election of officers. An affirmative two-thirds majority of the ballots cast shall be required for passage of any proposed change or alteration.
Section 3. A Resolution adopted at an annual or special meeting of the Association shall take effect on the 1st day of January following such annual or special meeting. Any change or alteration voted by mail ballot shall take effect sixty (60) days after the date of certification by the Election Committee.
Section 1. Each annual meeting of this Association shall be held in a city to be designated by the Board of Directors. Notice of the time and place for holding such meeting shall be advertised in the trade journals and/or ARBA Bulletin at least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of such meeting.
The President shall call a special meeting of the Association when so requested, in writing, by at least one hundred (100) members of the Association in good standing. At any special meeting there shall be considered only the special business for which the special meeting was called.
Section 2. At any meeting of the Association fifty (50) voting members of the Association in good standing shall constitute a quorum. No persons shall act as proxy for a member. If no quorum shall be present, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to a day and hour of his designation.
Section 3. In the event of the absence of all officers, the majority of members present shall elect the presiding officer. In the event of the absence of the Executive Director, the presiding officer shall appoint a recording secretary for the meeting.
Section 4. At all annual meetings of the Association, the order of business, unless otherwise determined by a majority vote of members in good standing of the Association present, shall be:
1st: Reading and approval of minutes of previous meeting
2nd: Reports of Officers
3rd: Reports of Committees
4th: Installation of Officers
5th: Consideration of and voting on resolutions
6th: General Business
7th: Unfinished Business
8th: New Business
Section 5. There shall be a one-day session at each annual meeting for judges, at which session the judges in attendance shall exchange ideas relative to judging different breeds and interpretation of various sections of the Standard of Perfection.
Section 1. Memberships and Membership Privileges:
(a) Individual members, except youth members, shall pay a fee of twenty ($20.00) per annum, or three (3) years for fifty dollars ($50.00). Such fee to accompany application for membership. Youth members through the age of eighteen (18) years shall pay a fee of twelve dollars ($12.00) per annum or thirty dollars ($30.00) for three (3) years, such fee to accompany application for membership. Individual, mentally impaired ARBA members, who qualify for Special Olympics, may participate in ARBA Youth Activities, through twenty-one (21) years of age, and shall pay the youth membership fee. Youth members shall be entitled to all the privileges of a full membership except the right to vote or pursue or hold an elected office.
(b) A combination membership for two adults residing in the same household shall be available for thirty dollars ($30.00) per annum or seventy-five ($75.00) for 3 years provided application for both membership are made at the same time.
(c) A family membership shall be available under the following provisions: combined adult membership must hold single memberships or a combined adult membership and all other members of the family [youth through eighteen (18) years of age] reside at the same address as the custodial representative. The fee for the family membership shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) for two combined adult memberships and five dollars ($5.00) for each youth per annum. Three (3) year membership shall be available for a fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for two combined adult memberships and ten dollars ($10.00) for each youth. All members of a qualifying family must join at the same time.
(d) A single parent may qualify for the family membership plan by paying twenty dollars ($20.00) and five dollars ($5.00) for each youth per annum. Three (3) year membership shall be available for fifty dollars ($50.00) and ten dollars ($10.00) for each youth.
(e) An annual service charge of ten dollars ($10.00) per annum shall be paid by all non U.S. resident members. Such service charge shall be paid in U.S. funds, and shall be remitted upon making application or renewal of membership.
(f) Failure to renew individual, youth or any combination membership, be it annual or three (3) year membership within sixty (60) days following the expiration date shall result in automatic termination of membership.
(g) Any ARBA member who through active military duty, serves his country in an armed conflict or war outside the border of his country shall have his and his immediate family’s annual ARBA dues waived until such time that he no longer is required to serve his country outside of the parameters of his country’s borders. During the temporary waiver of the ARBA dues, active military members are not eligible to vote in local, state, or national ARBA elections.
(h) All members of this association who have reached the age of sixty-five (65) and who have twenty-five (25) consecutive, uninterrupted years of membership shall be granted a life membership in this association. In the case of one member of a combination membership receiving a life membership, the other member may take either of two options: 1) paying ten (10) times the cost of the difference between a one-year, single membership and a one (1) year combination membership, and become a life member; or 2) continue to pay a yearly rate of the difference between a combined adult membership. The combined adult membership status may be retained until death or separation, at which time the remaining spouse or partner must purchase a life membership or revert back to a single membership.
(i) Any member in good standing who has reached the age of thirty-five (35) may pay a one time fee of $400.00 in lieu of all annual dues and assessments and become a life member of this association. A spouse may obtain a life membership for an additional $200.00.
(j) Each member of this association, in good standing, shall have the privilege of registering rabbits or cavies for a fee of six dollars ($6.00) each. The registration of rabbits or cavies by non-members of this association is prohibited.
Section 2. General Rules Applying to all Chartered Clubs:
(a) All chartered clubs and associations of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc., must operate within the basic framework of all rules and regulations of this association and are autonomous to the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc., by virtue of being governed by their own constitution and by-laws (self-governing).
(b) Chartered clubs and associations operating under their own constitution and by-laws within the basic framework of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc., shall be responsible for any and all problems arising that pertain to the operation of their own club or association.
(c) No club or association shall have rules or regulations that are in conflict with the constitution and by-laws of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
(d) It shall be the duty of the officers and directors of all ARBA-chartered clubs and associations to see that its members abide by the constitution and by-laws of the club or association. Failure to do so may be cause for probation or loss of charter.
(e) A copy of the constitution and by-laws of all clubs or associations seeking an ARBA charter shall accompany the charter application and all amendments approved by the membership (after being chartered) shall be filed with the renewal fees.
(f) A charter, once issued, shall be in force forever unless revoked by this association for just cause, or being voided for failure to pay a renewal fee. Failure to pay the renewal fee within sixty (60) days of the 1st day of January each year shall result in the charter being declared null and void.
(g) All officers and directors of all clubs and associations, chartered with the American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc., must be members of this association or join before taking office. Delinquent membership of any officer or director, unless renewed or replaced by another member in good standing in this association within sixty (60) days after notification, may result in the forfeit of the charter of any club and association chartered with this association.
(h) A charter that has been forfeited cannot be renewed. Members of the club or association may make application for a new charter under a different name in accordance with the rules and regulations of this association.
(i) No charter shall be renewed unless all requirements of the original charter have been complied with.
(j) No charter will be issued without the specific type club’s outlined procedures being adhered to, and any charter questioned must have the approval of the ARBA Board of Directors.
(k) No ARBA-chartered club shall issue charters.
(l) Any and all fees so stated in this article must be remitted in United States funds.
(m) All ARBA sanctioned conformation shows may only be judged by ARBA licensed rabbit/cavy judges in accordance to the ARBA Standard of Perfection. ARBA sanctioned performance events are judged by performance judges as defined by their National Specialty Club’s Performance Event Show Rules.
(n) By applying for Charter with the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), the clubs hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless and pay defense costs and defend ARBA and its Officers, Directors, agents, servants, employees, other volunteers and affiliates, from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages, property damage, or loss sustained by the above named club, its officers, directors or members arising out of, connected with or in any way associated with activities, programs, use of facilities or equipment, actions or inactions of ARBA.
(o) A charter is not intended to create or impose any fiduciary duty on the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) or any of its officers, directors, agents, servants, volunteers or employees. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this charter agreement or otherwise applicable provisions of law or equity, to the maximum extent permitted, the American Rabbit Breeders Association, its officers, directors, agents, servants, volunteers or employees shall owe no duties (including fiduciary duties) to the Chartered Club, its officers, directors, members, agents, servants, employees or volunteers.
(p) By applying for Charter with the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), any club, its officers, directors, agents, servants, employees or volunteers agree to waive and relinquish all claims known or unknown for injuries, including death, damages, property damage or loss which may have or may in the future accrue arising out of, connected with or in any way associated with activities, programs, use of facilities or equipment, actions or inactions of ARBA.
Section 3. Local All-Breed Clubs or Associations:
(a) Any member of this association in good standing may organize a local all-breed association composed of breeders in his/her region for the purpose of creating interest and advancing the industry.
(b) Officers of all local all-breed associations shall include, but not be limited to, a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and three (3) or more directors. The office of secretary-treasurer may be combined if so desired.
(c) No charter will be granted any local all-breed association within any city where a chartered club exists without the approval of the ARBA Board of Directors, who shall make a thorough investigation before issuing approval. If any local all-breed association becomes inactive or has insufficient members to qualify for a charter, or the city has a need for an additional local all-breed association, the ARBA Board of Directors may grant an additional charter if deemed to be in the best interest of its members.
(d) Local all-breed associations shall pay a charter fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) and said fee must accompany application for a charter. An annual renewal fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be paid each year. Local all-breed associations must pay an additional one dollar ($1.00) for each non-member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc., listed on the charter application or renewal form.
(e) Local all-breed associations may conduct ARBA sanctioned all-breed shows by payment of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for an Open sanction, twenty dollars ($20.00) for a Youth sanction, or forty dollars ($40.00) for a combination of Open and Youth if applied for at the same time. Such fee shall be remitted to the Executive Director of this association with the required sanction information. The Executive Director shall issue an all-breed sanction to the local all-breed association. An all-breed sanction shall cover all breeds recognized in the current standard. All breed show sponsors shall be required to employ an ARBA licensed cavy judge only when a cavy specialty club sanction is offered
(f) Local all-breed associations may host breed specialty shows providing the show(s) are held in conjunction with, at the same place, and on the same date, or the day immediately preceding or following the all-breed show. Each breed specialty show shall have a separate ARBA show sanction.
(g) Local all-breed associations chartered within a state may become a member of the state association, as a club, providing membership fee is paid on each club member, or as a club.
Section 4. National Specialty Clubs.
(a) There shall be only one (1) national specialty club chartered for each recognized breed of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc., except for breeds with similar genetic characteristics. These breeds may be represented by one (1) combined national specialty club, provided a majority of the club’s members approve, and with the approval of the ARBA Board of Directors. No charter shall be renewed if the national specialty club fails to abide by its ARBA-approved constitution and by-laws on file at the time of renewal.
(b) All national specialty clubs must have at least ten (10) members of this association in good standing to receive or renew its charter.
(c) All national specialty clubs except Belgian Hare and Cavy must have the word “rabbit” incorporated in the official name of the association.
(d) National specialty clubs chartered with this association shall pay membership and renewal fees according to the following scale:
Membership Fees
100 or less $20.00 per year
101-250 $25.00 per year
251-500 $30.00 per year
501-750 $35.00 per year
751-1000 $40.00 per year
1001-1250 $45.00 per year
1251-1500 $50.00 per year
Over 1,500 same pro-rated scale shall prevail
(e) National specialty clubs may conduct ARBA sanctioned shows only for the breed(s) they are chartered for upon payment of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for an Open sanction, twenty dollars ($20.00) for a Youth sanction, or forty dollars ($40.00) for a combination of Open and Youth if applied for at the same time. Such fee shall be remitted to the Executive Director of this association with the required sanction information. The Executive Director shall issue the single-breed sanction(s) to the specialty club.
(f) Any national specialty club chartered with this association, holding its annual meeting other than in connection with the national meeting of this association, shall be represented at the annual meeting of this association, by an officer or duly-appointed member who shall give a report of the activities of the club, number of club members and names of officers and directors, together with their addresses and a financial report. Any national specialty club failing to submit such a report shall be automatically deprived of all of the benefits as an associate member.
(g) The president shall appoint a breed standard(s) chairperson and committee consisting of five (5) members of the association to review the breed standard(s), receive and evaluate any and all suggested standard changes from the club membership, make recommendations to the president and secretary. The president shall be responsible for assuring that all recommended changes are voted upon by the full membership, by individual sections, by the end of the first quarter of the fourth year of any existing standard. All suggested breed changes to be considered by the ARBA Rabbit Standards Committee or ARBA Cavy Standards Committee must first be approved by a majority membership vote of the club and submitted by the Breed Standard Committee to the ARBA Rabbit Standards Committee or ARBA Cavy Standards Committee along with club vote record by the 30th day of June the fourth (4th) year of an existing standard.
(h) The secretary or otherwise designated official of a national specialty club shall be responsible for the timely and orderly issuing of the club’s breed sanctions. Failure to issue sanctions in a timely fashion may result in the club’s probation until the matter is corrected. Failure to respond to requests by the national office may result in the club’s probation.
(i) A charter that has been placed on probation shall be released from probation only after a vote of the Board of Directors of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
(j) Officers of all national specialty clubs shall include, but not be limited to, a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and three (3) or more directors. The office of secretary and treasurer may be combined.
(k): National Performance Club
(1) There shall be only one (1) national specialty performance club chartered for rabbits and cavies with the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. No Charter shall be renewed if the national specialty club fails to abide by its ARBA-approved constitution and by-laws on file at the time of renewal.
(2) The national specialty club must have at least ten (10) members of this association in good standing to receive or renew its charter.
(3) The national performance club will promote rabbits and cavies through performance competitions and events.
(4) The national performance club will develop and maintain safe and reasonable expectations and rules for performance classes.
Section 5. State and/or Regional Specialty Clubs and Commercial Specialty Clubs
(a) A commercial specialty club shall be defined as a club with the commercial aspect of the rabbit industry as its primary interest. A performance specialty club shall be defined as a club with the performance aspect of the rabbit and cavy industry as its primary interest.
(b) No charter will be issued unless there are eight (8) members (in good standing) of this association on the charter application.
(c) All state and/or regional specialty clubs, state and/or regional performance specialty clubs and commercial specialty clubs shall pay a charter fee of thirty dollars($30.00) and said fee must accompany application for a charter. An annual renewal fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) must be paid within sixty (60) days of January 1 of each year.
(d) State and/or regional specialty clubs may conduct ARBA-sanctioned shows only for the breed(s) they are chartered for upon payment of the required sanction fees. Such fees are to be remitted to the Executive Director of this as- sociation with the required sanction information. The Executive Director shall issue an eligible breed specialty sanction to the specialty club. State and/or regional specialty clubs cannot purchase a rare breed specialty sanction.
A commercial specialty club may conduct ARBA-sanctioned shows upon payment of the required sanction fees. Such fees are to be remitted to the Executive Director of this association with the required sanction information. The Executive Director shall issue a sanction to cover the following classes: single fryer, stewer, roaster, meat pen, commercial white fur, commercial colored fur, rex fur, satin fur, and wool classes. All fur and wool class animals must be entered in regular single fryer, stewer, roaster, or meat pen class in order to compete in their respective fur or wool class. Disqualified animals cannot compete in fur/wool classes. Performance specialty clubs may conduct ARBA-sanctioned performance events upon payment of the required sanction fees. Such fees are to be remitted to the Executive Director of this association with the required sanction information. The Executive Director shall issue a performance event sanction to the performance specialty club.
(e) All state and/or regional specialty clubs, performance specialty clubs and commercial specialty clubs may become members of the state association of the state wherein the original charter was issued upon payment of the required fees of the state association.
(f) Officers of a state and/or regional specialty club, performance specialty club or commercial specialty club shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and three (3) or more directors. The office of secretary-treasurer may be combined.
Section 6. State Associations:
(a) Members of three (3) local all-breed clubs, other than within the same county, may organize a state association.
(b) Officers shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and five (5) or more directors. The office of Secretary-Treasurer may be combined if so desired. All officers must be residents of the state in which the state association is chartered. No more than three (3) officers shall be from the same affiliated club.
(c) State associations may have individual members living within the borders of the state. Honorary membership may be offered to individuals outside of the state provided such membership does not include voting privileges.
(d) State and regional specialty clubs may become members of the state association provided that they are chartered in said state and pay the required fees.
(e) A general meeting of the state association shall be held at least once a year at a location agreed upon by the association members, where members may assemble, conduct business and show their animals.
(f) Each member club of the state association may have delegates or representatives who have voting privileges on state business at the general meeting as set forth in their constitution and by-laws. All voting club delegates or representatives must be residents of the state in which the state association is chartered.
(g) A charter fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be paid by each state association and a renewal fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) must be paid each year.
(h) State associations may conduct ARBA-sanctioned, all-breed shows upon payment of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for an Open sanction, twenty dollars ($20.00) for a Youth sanction, or forty dollars ($40.00) for a combination of Open and Youth if applied for at the same time. Such fees are to be remitted to the Executive Director of this association with the required sanction information. The Executive Director shall then issue an all-breed sanction to the state association. State associations may host breed specialty shows providing the show(s) are held in conjunction with, at the same place, and on the same date, or the day immediately preceding or following the all-breed show. Each breed specialty show shall have a separate ARBA show sanction.
Section 7: Fairs, Agricultural Associations and Show Circuits
(a) Any county or state fair, agricultural association or show circuit, composed of ARBA-chartered clubs, may secure a charter by complying with the show rules and paying an annual fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for fairs and agricultural associations and twenty dollars ($20.00) for show circuits without meeting the membership requirements of this association.
(b) Any county or state fair agricultural association or show circuit may conduct all-breed, ARBA sanctioned shows by remitting a sanction fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for an Open sanction, twenty dollars ($20.00) for a Youth sanction, or forty dollars ($40.00) for a combination of Open and Youth if applied for at the same time, to the Executive Director of this association. Any county or state fair agricultural association or show circuit may host breed specialty shows providing the show(s) are held in conjunction with, at the same place, and on the same date, or the day immediately preceding or following the all-breed show. Each breed specialty show shall have a separate ARBA show sanction.
(c) County or state fair charters may be paid for at the time of applying for a show sanction to allow them to work within their allotted budget.
(d) A show circuit must pay an annual renewal fee.
(e) County and state fairs, if dictated to by their governing bodies, may offer classes other than the official classes of the ARBA. No legs can be awarded to any class that is not recognized by the ARBA. Combining a number of varieties or breeds together for one class does not constitute a recognized class and is not eligible to receive legs.
(f) Show circuits shall elect officers to include, but not be limited to, a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and three (3) or more directors. The office of secretary and treasurer may be combined.
Section 8. Youth Clubs:
(a) Any member in good standing of this association may organize a local all breed youth club composed of youth breeders in his/her region for the purpose of creating interest and advancing the industry.
(b) All ARBA chartered youth clubs must be sponsored by an ARBA adult member or an ARBA chartered local club.
(c) Officers of an all breed youth club shall include, but not be limited to, a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three (3) or more Directors. The office of Secretary/Treasurer may be combined if so desired.
(d) Local all breed youth clubs shall pay a charter fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and said fee must accompany application for charter. An annual renewal fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be paid each year. Local all breed youth clubs must pay an additional one dollar ($1.00) for each non-member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. listed on the charter application or renewal form.
(e) Local all breed youth clubs may conduct ARBA sanctioned youth shows by payment of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for an Open sanction, twenty dollars ($20.00) for a Youth sanction, or forty dollars ($40.00) for a combination of Open and Youth if applied for at the same time. Such fee shall be remitted to the Executive Director of this association with the required sanction information. The Executive Director shall issue an all breed sanction to the local all breed youth club. An all breed sanction (open or youth) shall cover all breeds recognized in the current standard. All breed show sponsors shall be required to employ an ARBA licensed cavy judge only when any cavy specialty club sanction is offered.
(f) Local all-breed youth clubs may host breed specialty shows providing the show(s) are held in conjunction with, at the same place, and on the same date, or the day immediately preceding or following the all-breed show. Each breed specialty show shall have a separate ARBA show sanction.
(g) Local all breed youth clubs chartered within a state may become a member of the state association, as a club, providing membership fee is paid on each club member, or as a club.
Section 9. Any Club or association chartered by and affiliated with this Association may send one delegate to represent it at any annual or special meeting of this Association, which delegate may cast one vote on behalf of the club represented by the delegate. Such delegate must be a member of the affiliated organization which he or she represents, and must present to the Credentials Committee, at such annual or special meeting, a letter signed by the President and Secretary of his or her affiliated organization designating him or her as the authorized representative of such affiliated organization.
Section 10. Any organization chartered by this association may conduct ARBA sanctioned shows by payment of the required sanction fees in the same manner as is provided for local club shows as is here-in-above set out, except that no specialty club can sanction any breed other than the ones it sponsors.
Section 11. Any and all fees mentioned above shall be paid in United States funds.
Departments and Committees
Section 1. The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the standing Department and Committee Chairmen and committee members as authorized herein. The term of each Committee and Department Chairman and committee member shall be one year, the President shall have authority to make such replacements as are considered to be in the best interest of the Association.
Section 2. Each Department and committee shall be authorized to make such expenditures from Association funds for its operation as are authorized in its annual budget and as approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Each Department and Committee Chairman shall submit data and information on his group’s work at regular intervals, not less frequently than each quarter year, to the President, the Executive Director and to the Publicity Department, for its use in preparing official news releases, and shall report to the membership of the Association at each annual meeting, unless otherwise provided.
Section 4. (a) The ADVERTISING and PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT shall consist of a chairman and five members. They shall plan, put into effect, and carry out an advertising and publicity program designed to secure new members and to encourage renewals. They shall initiate advertising in publications of their selection, receive and record results from these publications, and have the right to revise or drop advertising, within the limits of the funds allotted in the annual budget.
The committee shall develop timely news releases to be made available to newspapers, magazines, periodicals, radio, and television media to assist in the promotion of rabbits. They shall assist all ARBA clubs in obtaining publicity for their shows by providing photographs, news releases, and requested promotional material within their annual budget limitations.
This department shall collect and consolidate quarterly reports from the various committees and make this information available for publication in the ARBA bulletin and in all rabbit journals requesting such information. They shall assist national conventions in publicizing their activities and give assistance in promoting National Rabbit Month.
(b) The COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT shall consist of a Chairman and four members, all of whom shall be engaged in one or more of the following commercial activities: Breeding Stock, Equipment/Supplies, Fertilizer, Fur, Lab, Meat, Novelties, Pet, Pharmaceuticals, Wool, and Worm Production. Members shall reside in different districts when possible. They shall gather and disseminate information on producers and buyers engaged in all commercial aspects. They shall obtain and publish current information on production, marketing, and sales methods of all commercial aspects. They shall encourage humane methods in all commercial operations. They shall develop ideas to assist members with commercial projects, such as pamphlets, posters, ads, coupons, packaging, and other related topics. They shall arrange, in collaboration with the National Convention sponsor, for a booth promoting commercial activities and displaying completed committee projects, and may sponsor seminars when possible.
(c) The BUDGET COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairman and two members, one of whom shall be the Treasurer of this Association. Their duties shall consist of requesting and receiving a proposed schedule of estimated expenditures from each officer, Department, and Committee Chairman, no later than June 30 for the ensuing fiscal year. Based upon these estimates, records of past expenditures and the current assets of the Association, they shall prepare a budget for the next calendar year, which shall be submitted to the Board of Directors at the next annual meeting for its consideration and action. No budget shall call for expenditures in excess of estimated receipts or actual assets. After adoption of the budget by the Board of Directors, no budget item may be exceeded unless approved by the President and Executive Director. The committee shall furnish such additional fiscal information and estimates as may be requested by the President or the Board of Directors.
Since the Association books are kept on a fiscal year basis, ending June 30 each year, and the budgets are set up on a fiscal year basis, beginning July 1 every year, the Budget Committee shall present to the Board of Directors, at the annual meeting, usually in October, a pro-rated payment schedule for the interim period, for authorization by the Board of Directors.
(d) The CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairman and two members. They shall maintain continuous study of the Constitution and By-Laws for the purpose of furnishing interpretations when requested by an officer or member of the Association and for the purpose of offering improvements or clarifications in the form of modifications. In the event they deem it desirable, they may offer amendments for improvement or clarifications in the prescribed manner for consideration at any annual meeting. After the adoption of an amendment or modification at any meeting, or otherwise, they shall revise the necessary articles or sections to include the amendment, and shall furnish it to the Executive Director of the Association within 30 days following adoption. They shall furnish a current and correct copy of the Constitution and By-Laws for inclusion in any proposed new publication when so requested by the person in charge of the publication, and when approved by the Board of Directors.
(e) The CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairman and two members. They shall be appointed at, and from, the members attending the annual or special meeting where they are to serve. They shall receive all voting credentials from affiliated clubs and associations presented by delegates, and shall examine them. Those delegates presenting acceptable credentials shall be certified as eligible to vote, and shall be furnished with voting tabs or material. In case of doubtful or disputed credentials, the Committee shall review and furnish a decision on the case. The Chairman shall report on all findings of the committee at an assembled session of annual or special meeting of the Association before any vote is taken on any Resolution or motion affecting policy. The Chairman shall notify the President, before the business session starts, the total number of delegates qualified to vote. No other reports will be required.
(f) The ELECTION COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairman and four members, with two or more alternate members, all residing within commuting distance of each other. The chairman shall receive the election ballots and, as soon as he deems practicable, shall call the committee together, with any absentee replaced by an alternate. Election ballot envelopes must not be opened until the entire committee is assembled; then the committee shall open the envelopes, count the votes and tabulate the results. The count shall be completed and the results certified to the President and Executive Director within five (5) days after the count is completed. No other reports will be required.
(g) The MEMBERSHIP SERVICE COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairman and four members. They shall solicit, receive, review and screen all suggestions received from the membership or other sources, and after study shall forward them to the proper officer, department or committee chairman, together with their recommendation for appropriate action. They shall be responsible for the planning of, and obtaining, Board of Director’s approval for all new education series including but not restricted to movie slides, recordings, photographic series or printed material, except Guide Books, Books of Standards, or other publications. The Chairman shall maintain close contact with the Chairman of the Advertising and Publicity Department to minimize duplication of effort and to present a coordinated program. Upon approval by the Board of Directors, this Committee shall be responsible for the preparation, issuance, maintenance and upkeep of all such materials now on hand. This may be done whether through their own efforts or through an agent.
(h) The RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairman and two members. They shall receive all resolutions submitted by members, or eligible affiliated clubs until 10 May of the year, if it is to be presented at the annual meeting. After reviewing all resolutions received, they shall have the right to coordinate all those dealing with the same subject and/or intent, in order that not more than one resolution will be presented dealing with a given subject. The resolutions shall be numbered in the order deemed advisable by the Committee, and shall be submitted to trade journals and/or the ARBA Bulletin, as designated by the Board of Directors, for their publication one time, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the annual meeting, where they will be acted upon. The Committee shall then prepare an opinion on each resolution, covering its constitutionality and anticipated effect, together with a recommendation for adoption or rejection. The proposed resolution as acted upon by the Committee, together with an opinion on each, shall be presented at the annual meeting in written form prior to discussion or action. The membership shall not be bound by the recommendation of the Committee, but shall consider it carefully. No other reports will be required from this Committee.
(i) The RABBIT STANDARDS COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairperson and eight members. They shall maintain a continuous study of the ARBA Standard of Perfection rabbit section, handle inquiries peculiar to rabbit standards, and furnish interpretations as well as their application. They shall consider any proposed Standard for a new rabbit breed or variety, other than an A.O.C. variety, upon its proper submission by the introducer of the new breed or the Specialty Club sponsoring a new variety of an approved rabbit breed. They shall also receive and consider any proposed revision of an adopted Standard upon its proper submission by the Specialty Club sponsoring the rabbit breed. This consideration shall include the right to recommend or request any modification in the Standard that they consider to be in the best interest of the rabbit breed. A two thirds majority vote of the Committee shall be necessary for adoption of any change, and such change must be approved by the Board of Directors. After adoption, the Standard shall become the official property of this Association, and can be altered only with the approval of the Board of Directors. The Rabbit Standards Committee shall also be responsible for the preparation of the Standard for commercial normal fur. The commercial fur standard, after adoption by a two-thirds majority vote of the Committee, shall also become the property of this Association, and can be altered only with the approval of the Board of Directors. The Standard of Perfection shall not be revised more often than every five years, in the years divisible by five.
The CAVY STANDARDS COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairperson and eight members. They shall maintain a continuous study of the ARBA Standard of Perfection cavy section, handle inquiries peculiar to cavy standards, and furnish interpretations as well as their application. They shall consider any proposed Standard for a new cavy breed or variety, other than an A.O.C. variety, upon its proper submission by the sponsor of the new breed and/or a new variety of an approved breed. They shall also receive and consider any proposed revision of an adopted Standard upon its proper submission by the Specialty Club sponsoring the cavy breeds. This consideration shall include the right to recommend or request any modification in the Standard that they consider to be in the best interest of the cavy breed. A two thirds majority vote of the Cavy Standards Committee shall be necessary for adoption of any change, and such change must be approved by the ARBA Board of Directors. After adoption, the Standard shall become the official property of this Association and may only be altered with the approval of the ARBA Board of Directors. The Standard of Perfection shall not be revised more often than every five years, in the years divisible by five.
(j) The YOUTH DEPARTMENT shall consist of a Chairperson and a minimum of four with maximum of ten members. They shall establish and maintain contact with the national headquarters of each group that does, or can, sponsor rabbit raising projects. These groups shall include, but not be restricted to, 4-H, Future Farmers of America, Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the United States of America. They shall furnish advice to, and receive suggestions from, each of these groups for the purpose of establishing reasonable rules for rabbit raising projects and the exhibition of rabbits under the sponsorship of these groups, but in no event shall any of such rules conflict with any rule or regulation of this Association. They shall supervise, prepare and issue any publications about youth projects which are authorized by the Board of Directors.
(k) The SHOW RULES COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairperson and four or more members. They shall answer requests from the Officers, Directors, and Members for clarification of the present show rules, as well as suggesting changes or amendments for approval to the Board of Directors for future implementation. Any amendment or modification of the show rules approved by the Board of Directors will be furnished to the ARBA Executive Director for publication in a timely manner in Domestic Rabbits, and in the ARBA Yearbook. Suggestions from the membership shall be received and recommendations will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for further action.
(l) The YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE shall consist of nine members, one from each ARBA district. Committee members shall be nominated by their District Director, and the Chairman shall be selected by the ARBA President from the nine approved members. A Youth Scholarship Fund shall be maintained by the ARBA Treasurer, invested in an interest-bearing account, and only the interest earned shall be used for scholarships. Additionally, fifty percent (50%) of the proceeds generated by the Youth Scholarship Committee in any given year may also be used for scholarships. The committee shall determine the number and value of scholarships to be awarded annually at the ARBA Convention. The committee shall be responsible for development of application forms, and selection of scholarship recipients. Scholarships will be paid to the member upon receipt of confirmation of college enrollment.
(m) The RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D) COMMITTEE shall consist of a Chairperson and nine additional members. The R&D Committee shall encourage the submission of scientific studies to be conducted by qualified scientists for the benefit of the rabbit and cavy industry. The committee will conduct fundraising to finance selected research projects, and accumulate, evaluate, and disseminate rabbit and cavy health data. Grant announcements are sent to the scientific community. The committee members will evaluate submitted research projects for funding. The recommendation of the committee for funding of potential research projects by ARBA will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for approval.
The chairperson recommends committee members, writes reports for Domestic Rabbits, and writes letters of appreciation for donations. Additional duties include keeping in touch with the scientists involved in grants and solicitation of rabbits and cavies for use in the annual raffle. Animal health data submitted to the ARBA will be evaluated and reported to the membership in a timely manner.
(n) Any special committee that is considered desirable by the President or by the Board of Directors may be appointed by the President for a specific purpose. At the completion of the assignment, the special committee shall be discharged.
Judges and Registrars
Section 1. (a) Any member of this Association who is a reliable breeder and is qualified for judge’s or registrar’s license shall be granted same, provided such member meets all qualifications herein provided.
(b) All applicants for a registrar’s license must have at least three consecutive years of practical experience as a rabbit or cavy breeder, have been a member of this association for three consecutive years immediately preceding application, and must be endorsed by the signatures of twenty (20) adult members of the association, in writing, accompanying the application.
(c) There shall be no Specialty Registrar licenses granted, except those granted prior to 1988, which will remain valid if renewed in a timely manner and in accordance with the ARBA By-Laws. Effective 1 January 1993, applicants for a Specialty Judge’s license shall be tested on only a single breed. If a person desires to be licensed for more than a single breed without holding an all breed license, the application and testing procedure must be followed for each breed individually. No applicant will be permitted to apply for more than one (1) breed at any one time unless working for an all breed license. Specialty Judge licenses granted prior to 1 January 1992 shall remain valid if renewed in a timely manner and in accordance with the ARBA By-Laws.
(d) All correspondence relative to the application and appointment of judges and registrars are to be carried on through the office of the Executive Director of this Association, who will supply the necessary blanks and forms to be used in such matters.
(e) License fees and membership dues of all registrars and judges shall be due on the first day of each year.
(f) There shall be one or more examining judges in every state in the United States of America, and other areas appointed by the President, provided there is a judge in the respective state or area qualified as an examining judge. Such judge(s) shall examine applicants for judge’s or registrar’s license in any state or country where the Standard of Perfection of this Association is recognized.
(g) All licensed judges must attend at least one (1) Judge’s Conference every five years. Failure to attend shall result in suspension or revocation of the judge’s license.
(h) Any member of this association holding a judge’s license shall be required to hold a registrar’s license, and must renew his/her registrar’s license at the time of renewing his/her judge’s license.
(i) In the interest of promoting continuing education, all duly licensed judges will be required to take periodic open-book review tests. The ARBA Board of Directors may require that a review test be given annually. Any review test will be given to all licensed judges except retired judges. Review tests are to be sent, or mailed upon request, to all licensed judges by the office of the Executive Director no later than November 1st of the year in which they are to be given. A minimum score of 80% will be considered passing. Any test receiving a score of less than 80% will be returned to the judge for correction and resubmission. This process will continue until the judge has received a minimum score of 80%. Judges, except retired judges, will be required to complete and pass the review test by January 31st. Failure to complete and pass the review test shall result in automatic suspension or revocation of the judge’s license.
(j) A license suspended or revoked due to failure to complete and pass an open book review test will be reinstated 180 days after satisfactory completion of the review test. Any judge’s license which has been suspended or revoked, with the exception of failure to pass and complete the open book review test, may only be reinstated with the approval of the Board of Directors.
(k) Any and all fees for licenses shall be paid in United States funds.
Interpretation – Discipline – Standard
Section 1. The interpretation by the Board of Directors of this Association of the Constitution, By-Laws, Rules, Regulations, Notices, Resolutions, Properties, and of Association Documents and Orders shall be binding upon all members of this Association.
(a) Members acting either in an individual capacity or representing chartered clubs to resolve disputes must utilize internal processes and should resolve not be reached, agree to mandatory arbitration.
Section 2. All notices required to be sent to any member of this Association shall be sent electronically or by regular mail, prepaid to the member’s address as it appears on the books of the Association, and such mailing shall be presumptive evidence of the service thereof. Any change of address must be sent promptly to the office of the Executive Director of the Association.
Section 3. The American Standard of Perfection of Rabbits is the sole property of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. This Association reserves the right to enforce any and all provisions of these Standards at any time, and may resort to legal action, if necessary. These Standards of Perfection are copyrighted, and any violation of the copyright, or unauthorized use of such Standards, constitutes an infringement of the copyright, and, as such, is subject to legal action.
Section 4. Any member of this Association having been found guilty of copying, imitating or duplicating any advertising literature, forms of contracts, pictures, photographs or other illustrations conceived, originated or distributed by this Association, without the consent of this Association, shall be made subject to disciplinary actions of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. The Board of Directors may impose penalties upon any member of the Association for conduct which, in its judgment, warrants such action. Such penalties include but are not limited to expulsions, suspensions, and fines.
Section 6. If a complaint of misconduct in office is brought against any elected officer or director of this Association, the Board of Directors shall be polled as soon thereafter as possible, and
(a) If the Board of Directors determines that there is a reasonable basis for such complaint and that the Association could be adversely affected by the retention in office of said officer or director, the board may in its own discretion suspend such person pending a final determination as set forth herein.
(b) The President, or if the President be charged, the Board of Directors, shall appoint a special committee to investigate the complaint and within a reasonable time report its findings.
(c) The Board of Directors shall receive the findings of the special committee and shall determine whether a special meeting of the Board shall be convened for a hearing on the complaint and consideration of the committee report or to defer action on the complaint until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.
(d) The complainant and the accused shall be notified of the date of any meeting of the Board of Directors and shall be afforded the opportunity to present evidence relating to the charge.
(e) The determination of the Board of Directors shall be a final resolution of the matter, subject to the appeal process set forth in Section 8 hereof.
(f) All complaints to be considered pursuant to this section shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of three hundred dollars ($300) to defray the costs attendant on the implementation of the procedures.
Section 7. If a complaint alleging matters affecting the Association is made against another member or an affiliated organization, the provisions of Section 6 of this Article V shall be followed, except that the Board of Directors shall have sole and absolute discretion whether to consider the complaint and implement the procedures set forth above. In the event the board elects not to consider the complaint it shall return one hundred dollars ($100) of the deposit.
Section 8. An appeal may be taken from any ruling of the Board of Directors to the next annual business meeting of the members of the Association.
Section 9. Any complaint submitted pursuant to Sections 6 or 7 of this Article may not be for instances or events occurring more than one hundred eighty (180) calendar days prior to the date of receipt by the President and/or Executive Director (or by the Board of Directors should both be involved) of the complaint
Alterations and Amendments
Section 1. Any alteration of, or amendment to, the By-Laws to be offered at any annual or special meeting of this Association shall be made by Resolution, in writing, signed by one hundred (100) or more members of this Association in good standing. The Resolution must be received by the ARBA Executive Director not later than 1 May, so that the signatures can be verified. Once verified by the ARBA Executive Director, a copy of the resolution must be forwarded to the ARBA Resolutions Committee no later than 10 May of the year, if it is to be presented at the annual meeting. All Resolutions are to be confined to one subject. All Resolutions shall be published in the ARBA Bulletin at least forty-five (45) days in advance of the annual or special meeting at which they are to be considered, in order that members may have the opportunity to form an intelligent opinion on their merits.
The By-Laws may then be amended by an affirmative two-thirds vote of all members casting votes at a regular or special meeting of the Association for a Resolution, provided that the notice of the purpose of any special meeting has been stated in the call for such special meeting.
Section 2. Any proposed change in, or amendment to, the By-Laws may be submitted to the members of the Association at any time by mail ballot, to be voted upon and the ballots counted in the same manner as is provided for balloting for the electing of officers. An affirmative two -thirds majority of the ballots cast shall be required for the passage of any proposed change or alteration.
Section 3. A Resolution adopted at an annual or special meeting of the Association shall take effect on the 1st day of January following such annual or special meeting. Any change or alteration voted by mail ballot shall take effect sixty (60) days after the date of certification by the Election Committee.