French Lop
Believed to have been developed in the 19th century by crossing the English Lop with the Giant Pappillon, the ever popular French Lop made its appearance in the US in 1971. Though placid and relaxed in temperament, the French Lop is a massive, heavy boned rabbit with a strongly developed, wide and sturdy head. They are a beautiful and majestic[...]
English Lop
Known for having the longest ears of any rabbit breed, the English Lop is also considered the original lopped rabbit. Bred in the early 19th century and prized as pets in the Victorian era, the English Lop was used to develop other lopped breeds such as the French and Mini Lop. This breed's placid temperament and easy going nature has[...]
Mini Lop
Stocky and compact the Mini Lop was brought to the U.S. in the 1970s bearing the name Klein Widderand. After a slow start and a name change, the Mini Lop (presented by Herb Dyck), became an official ARBA breed in 1980. Easily recognized by the softball-sized head and engaging lopped ears, the Mini Lop only gains in popularity each year.[...]
The most eye-catching feature of the Lionhead rabbit is the distinctive mane around its head giving it the look of a male lion, as the name implies. While the Lionhead has only been a recognized breed in the United States since 2014, it is steadily gaining in popularity throughout the rabbit hobby. In 2018 the Lionhead roared; capturing its first[...]
Developed in Great Britain in the early 20th century, the Lilac was imported to the United States in 1922. Population numbers remain low enough that it is currently listed by the Livestock Conservancy as a breed to watch. This engaging breed is known for its distinctive pinkish dove-gray coloring and luxurious fur. The Lilac is a standard breed, meaning it[...]
Jersey Wooly
This distinctive breed with the mug head and luxurious wooled coat was developed by Bonnie Seeley and recognized as a breed in 1988. Bonnie's intent was to produce a small pet rabbit with wool that was easy to care for. Today, the Jersey Wooly has become one of the most popular breeds of rabbit exhibited in the US and abroad. [...]