Standards Committee Chair
Briony Smith

Silver Tipped Steel Netherland Dwarf
Breed Standard

Effective December 01, 2024
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Smoke Pearl Mini Satin
Breed Standard

Effective December 01, 2024
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Frosty American Fuzzy Lop
Breed Standard

Effective December 01, 2024
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Tortoise Shell Dwarf Papillon
Breed Standard

Effective December 01, 2024
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Lilac Dwarf Hotot
Breed Standard

Himalayan Rex
Breed Standard

Chocolate Agouti Netherland Dwarf
Breed Standard

Effective November 01, 2023,
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Chestnut Giant Angora
Breed Standard

Effective November 01, 2023,
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Fox Netherland Dwarf
Breed Standard

Effective November 01, 2023,
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Otter English Lop
Breed Standard

Effective November 01, 2023,
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Blue Holicer
Breed Standard

Effective November 01, 2023,
eligible to be shown as a recognized breed

Golden Yellow Dutch
Breed Standard

Effective November 01, 2023,
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Sable Mini Satin
Breed Standard

Effective November 01, 2023,
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Sable Point Varieties (AFL, English & French Lop,
Holland Lop, Netherland Dwarf) Standard

Effective November 01, 2023,
eligible to be shown as a recognized variety

Czech Frosty
Breed Standard

Effective December 01, 2022,
eligible to be shown as a recognized breed

TortoiseShell Britannia Petite

Orange Jersey Wooly
Variety Standard

Effective December 1, 2022:
Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows.

Smoke Pearl Lionhead
Variety Standard

Effective December, 2022:
Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows

Sable Marten Mini Rex
Variety Standard

Effective March 1, 2022: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows.

Agouti Lutino Netherland Dwarf
Variety Standard

Effective December 1 2022: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows

Orange Lutino Working Standard

Effective December 1, 2022: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows

Himalayan Britannia Petite
Variety Standard

Effective December 1, 2022: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows

Black Dwarf Papillon

Effective December 01, 2021: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as a recognized variety.

Blue Dwarf Papillon

Effective December 01, 2021: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as a recognized variety

Chocolate Silver Fox

Effective December 01, 2021: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as a recognized variety

Broken English Angora Working Standard

Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Silver Marten Britannia Petite Working Standard

Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Tri Color Dwarf Papillon Working Standard

Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Frosty Netherland Dwarf Working Standard

Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Fox Holland Lop Working Standard

Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Argente St Hubert Working Standard

Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Otter Polish Working Standard

Effective November 01, 2022: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Otter French Lop
Working Standard

Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Velveteen Lop
Working Standard

Effective May 01, 2022: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May NOT compete for Best of Breed or BIS

Mini Californian
Working Standard

Effective  October 1, 2021: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May not compete for Best of Breed/Best in Show 

Blue Eyed White Lionhead
Working Standard

Effective January 01, 2023: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May not compete for Best of Breed/Best in Show.

Sable Point Lionhead
Working Standard

Effective March 01, 2021: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May not compete for Best of Breed/Best in Show.

Blue Silver Fox
Working Standard

Effective March 01, 2021: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May not compete for Best of Breed/Best in Show.

Brindle Mini Rex Working Standard

Effective June 01, 2023: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May not compete for Best of Breed/Best in Show.

Silver Marten Holland Lop Working Standard

Effective August 01, 2023: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May not compete for Best of Breed/Best in Show.

Silver Marten Satin
Working Standard

Effective August 1, 2023: Eligible to be entered in all ARBA sanctioned shows as exhibition animals.
May not compete for Best of Breed/Best in Show 

About the Standards Committee

The ARBA Standards Committee is one of the vital cogs in our organization.  It is comprised of a Chair and eight members. In its official capacity, aside from studying and interpreting the Standard of Perfection, one of the most important charges assigned to the committee is to:

“….consider any proposed Standard for a new breed or variety, other than an A.O.C. variety, upon its proper submission by the introducer of the new breed or the Specialty Club proposing the new variety of an approved breed.”

The ARBA Standards Committee – Role in Establishing New Breeds and Varieties

The Committee receives a large amount of correspondence throughout the year in regards to questions about how to file a Certificate of Development (COD) for a new breed, variety or acceptance of a foreign breed. There is currently a great amount of interest in establishing new breeds as well as adding new varieties to established breeds. To help our members better understand and negotiate the process, we have put together an informational document to help in understanding the process as detailed in the Standard.  Links to that document as well as forms to file a COD can be found below.
ARBA Rabbit Standards Committee
Briony Smith, KS, Chair
Erik Bengtson, MN
Bonnie Burdick, TN
Andy High, AL
Josh Humphries, TN
Bruce Ormsby, IN
Alan Rafferty, CA
Tiffany Wayne, MN
Chris Zemny, CA